The proximity space up to the exosphere, is the space portion that allows the adversaries to control the opponent and master his domains with technologies. the prohibitive costs divert and orient both the training & education and the use of spatial domain capabilities towards the use of simulators and digital systems capable of recreating the real space environment in which train specialists to defend your own three-dimensional boundaries and domains.
applications can range from support to design and consulting, testing and development of applications, management of satellite images and integration with simulation systems and C2 systems, special UAVs services for sourveillance and monitoring, training to use sensors into sintetic simulation environments.
Space will be the new domain in which the most competitive countries will be able to influence with new technologies, the domains of other countries. from the control of communications to the defense of spaces and geographical areas of strategic interest, monitoring and up to the search new resources, systems for the space control will be the new trend for the coming decades. Itres can help its customers to identify new interoperable solutions for education and training of their space spacialists to manage possible critical situations.